Friday, May 26, 2017


For this assignment, we observed the Main Alley for a whole day and we analyzed the avtivities such as walking, watching and waiting. After this analyze, we made 2d and 3d maps in order to combine the information we had got such as the shadow configuration of the site, people's movement, waitin areas and durations, sometimes the weather conditions. After having made the maps, we made an intervention (by folding as the construction method) which meet the human needs such as providing shadow on top of waiting areas.

This is the first (2.5d) map. Different textures were used in order to differentiate the activities, and also different colors for different hours. The path like shape is showing the movement and crowd of people according to thier thickness in different hours. The colored acetate is used for the shadow in different times. And the other colored patches are used to indicate the waiting spaces and show the crowd.

This 2d map is to show the line of vision. The green areas are for people walking thtough the alley, and the pink ones are to show the ones who are waiting.

The first folding proposal as intervention.

This is the second try :) We made only a top surface where people can walk under it, and also a thicker top surface where people usually wait standing in front of the library (on the left). Then we made both top and floor surfaces in order people to sit on it and the top part provide shadow for them to sit under.

This is the second intervention.


The 3d Map

The 2d map showing line of vision

Folding Intervention


For this assignment, we chose some views as focusing points from the garden of The Anatolian Civilizations Museum. We took a 360' panaromic photo which includes these views. We made this photo as a circle and connect the viewers eyes to these focusing points with strings.

In the second step we designed a specto which allows one single person to see the views we have chosen from a certain point.

My initial idea was focusing the viewers eyes on the view by designing frames which based on perspective.

This is the Specto. When the viewer should focus on the view I made a perspectival frame. When the view is far from the viewer I made the frame thicker in order to give the feeling of distance.


In this assignment, firstly, we analyzed the motion of a man who was dancing in an advertisement ant then, we drew him as sections and put them as one front of other in order to give the sense of motion.

In the second step, we created our own coreography by reusing this sections.

Thirdly, we created an abstract representation of our coreography.

In the last step, we designed a topography by using the same construction technique with the abstraction.

These are from the first step.

 These are my first coreography and abstraction of it.   

  Second abstraction of coreography and its topography.


This is the coreography.

This is the abstraction of the coreography. I used white color where the dancer has a physical interaction with the surfaces and black color where he doesn't.

This is the topography.